Dr. Edwin C. Oliver is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing for more than 25 years. His practice focus is advocacy for children, evaluating students and providing a variety of therapies to students and their families. Dr. Eddie holds two master’s degrees and a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College (1999). He worked as a psychologist and was the Director of Research and Professional Partnerships for 15 years at the Lab School of Washington, Baltimore Division, an independent school for children grades 1-12 with language-based learning disabilities, attentional/executive functioning needs, and social challenges. Prior to that, he worked as a school psychologist in Baltimore City, and in a hospital-based therapeutic day school in Chicago.
Dr. Eddie continues to serve as the Lead Psychologist at the Dyslexia Tutoring Program. He taught at both The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Baltimore. He presented in 2016 at the International Dyslexia Association Conference. He has been appointed by the Governor to the Maryland Advisory Council on Mental Hygiene, and also the Special Education State Advisory Committee. He is a founding member of Right to Read Maryland.