Our art program is based on the National Core Art Standards, with special emphasis on three artistic processes: Creating, Presenting and Responding.
Radcliffe Creek School's art program is based on the NEW National Core Art Standards. The new standards are based on three artistic processes: Creating, Presenting and Responding that will in essence help students develop life-long skills in the 21st Century.
Creating refers to students brainstorming and developing new ideas and work while using various art materials and techniques.
Presenting involves students interpreting and sharing work.
Responding embraces the idea of students interacting and reflecting on works of art to develop understanding.
How does the National Core Arts Standards support Radcliffe Creek School's mission?
First, creating works of art is naturally hands-on and multi-sensory. Students are actively engaged in the process of making art. Secondly, students work on their communication and listening skills by sharing their ideas and their work with others. Also by sharing their ideas they begin collaborating on projects. This involves using and practicing good social skills. Thirdly, when students develop and execute their ideas they are practicing ways to organize their thoughts and plan out how to make their projects work.
How will the students learn about creating, presenting, and responding to art?
This year in the art room students will be the center of their learning. This type of learning is often referred in art education as choice-based or teaching for artistic behavior. Students will select which art center they would like to work in during each class. The art teacher will plan whole group demonstrations, as well as provide small group and one on one instruction.
How does the art curriculum provide students with lifelong skills?
The art curriculum provides students with the following lifelong skills: creating and innovation, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. In art class, students have to brainstorm ideas, problem-solve different ways to communicate their ideas and work together.
Visual Arts
Using cueing, chorusing, modeling, and audio/visual systems along with verbal and written instructions, fine motor skills are taught and practiced and special reasoning is examined while creating two- and three-dimensional artwork. In and out of the studio, students concentrate on organizing their artistic ideas and materials while creating both group and individual projects.
The emphasis in the drama program at Radcliffe Creek is around the process of bringing a play or other literary material to life through a theatrical production. In addition to acting, students develop skills in design and technical production, organization, cooperation, concentration, and delegation.